Списък на книгите, закупени и заведени в библиотеката на ХТМУ
- Popescu M.A., Non-Crystalline Chalcogenides, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
- Letcher T., Valero D., Waste: A Handbook for Management, Elsevier, 2011
- Sheasby P.G., Pinner R., The Surface Treatment and Finishing of Aluminium and its Alloys -
Vol. 1 and Vol. 2,, ASM International & Finishing Publications Ltd, 2001
- Bathe K.J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1996
- Minea A.A., Advanced in Industrial Heat Transfer, CRC Press Taylor &Francis Group, 2012
- Rajan T.V., Sharma C.P., Sharma A., Heat Treatment: Principles and Techniques, Prentice-
Hall, 2011
Абонаментна доставка на западни периодични издания
- Crystal growth and design - print
- Journal of Applied Crystallography - print + online
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory - print
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design - print
- Advances in Engineering Software - print
- Task Quarterly - print
Абонаментна доставка на бази данни online